Success Story

Agri-Thrive gave me the platform I needed to connect with a large supply chain of buyers and sellers. Now, I have fresh opportunities in new markets.

Local Farmer

Many of India’s small, mighty entrepreneurs are farmers. They work hard, yet distance to markets and a lack of capital means they struggle to grow. We want to change that, by making them better connected, creating new efficiencies, and giving them better access to finance.

The problem

Over 60% of farmers in India hold less than one hectare of land, and the majority have difficulty accessing buyers and sellers. This means that, while they invest huge amounts of time and effort into their work, they often see little in return.

Because these small farmers realise a low percentage of the finance price of their products, they’re often forced to choose low quality suppliers for seeds and inputs. Their yields drop and their income is further limited.

Long harvest cycles also mean they can be heavily reliant on credit, while a lack of rural banking forces the use of informal lenders with high interest rates. Meanwhile, they struggle to access vital data such as commodity price trends, weather and techniques

Our solution

Agri-Thrive gave me the platform I needed to connect with a large supply chain of buyers and sellers. Now, I have fresh opportunities in new markets.

Agri-Thrive has given me the tools to manage my inventory and keep digital records of my yield. Tracking the rate of my harvest means I can produce better quality crops in greater numbers.

With Agri-Thrive, I am part of a wider network of other small farmers. Through sharing our knowledge and ideas about farming and the local market, we are able to help each other succeed.

Agri-Thrive’s platform has enabled me to take total control of my business. I’m really optimistic about the future – and I’m excited to see what my enterprise can become.